Oferty pracy
Grzegorz Toporek

Grzegorz Toporek

Grzegorz jest założycielem i pomysłodawcą portalu Inżynieria Biomedyczna. Rozwija on przez to Swoje pasje którymi są e-biznes oraz grafika komputerowa. We wspólnie tworzonym przez Nas projekcie zajmuje się on: obsługą techniczną strony, SEO, SEM, tworzeniem grafiki oraz koordynacją całego przedsięwzięcia.

Jako inżynier biomedyczny interesuje się głównie technikami obrazowania medycznego (głównie tomografia komputerową), przetwarzaniem sygnałów i obrazów cyfrowych, telemedycyną oraz chirurgrią wspomaganą komputerowo.

Obecnie Grzegorz pracuje nad komputerowym systemem do wspomagania brachyterapii w ARTORG Center for Computer Aided Surgery, University of Bern, Switzerland.

Kontakt: http://www.istb.unibe.ch/content/about_us/staff/grzegorz_toporeknbspmnbspsc/

Społeczność portalu Inżynieria Biomedyczna to wspaniałe miejsce aby wymienić opinie na temat inżynierii biomedycznej, znaleźć cenne informacje, a także poznać ludzi takich jak Ty - inżynierów biomedycznych. Znajdziesz tu Swoich znajomych, utworzysz grupę własnego uniwersytetu, poznasz najnowsze wieści z dziedziny inżynierii biomedycznej. Nareszcie będziesz mógł być na bieżąco z wydarzeniami biomedycznymi, konferencjami naukowymi oraz  spotkaniami studenckimi. Inżynierowie biomedyczni! Rejestrujcie się już teraz! Zupełnie za darmo.

Po rejestracji otrzymasz wiele cennych przywilejów:

  • dostęp do profili Naszych użytkowników
  • prawo do budowania sieci znajomych wraz z kontaktami
  • możliwość wypowiadania się w grupach tematycznych
  • prawo do zakładania grup tematycznych (uniwersyteckich, zakładu pracy, organizacji, kół naukowych)
  • możliwość komentowania artykułów portalu
  • dostęp do zastrzeżonych artykułów i ofert pracy
  • możliwość pisania własnych artykułów

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Społeczność inżynierów biomedycznych

Społeczność Naszego portalu pomaga Ci kontaktować się i dzielić z innymi ludźmi. Ludźmi o podobnych zainteresowaniach i podobnym sposobie myślenia. Jesteś inżynierem biomedycznym? Dołącz do Nas już teraz. Zobaczyć profile inżynierów biomedycznych.

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Grupy tematyczne

Chcesz stworzyć Swój własny kącik tematyczny? Poprowadzić ciekawą dyskusję? Załóż własną grupę tematyczną w portalu. Możesz także dołączyć do istniejących już w społeczności grup.

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badania naukowePolska nauka może poszczycić się dużym potencjałem ? jako kraj dysponujemy dużą grupą zdolnych studentów, dobrymi uczelniami i instytutami badawczymi. Do tej pory duży zgromadzony potencjał ludzki nie był w pełni wykorzystywany dla gospodarki Polski. Nieodpowiedni poziom finansowania i zły system zarządzania badaniami nie sprzyjał szerokiej współpracy pomiędzy jednostkami badawczymi, a przemysłem.

W najbliższych latach konieczne będą zmiany w funkcjonowaniu polskiego przemysłu. Wzrost poziomu życia w Polsce, rosnące pensje, oraz coraz silniejsza rola gospodarek azjatyckich sprawiają, że tradycyjnie najważniejszy czynnik przewagi konkurencyjnej polskiej gospodarki ? niski koszt pracy przestanie mieć istotne znaczenie. Chcąc rozwijać pozycję Polski na arenie międzynarodowej i zapewnić wysoki poziom życia społeczeństwu musimy rozwijać gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy, w której warunkiem jest wysoki poziom edukacji oraz bardzo silna współpraca jednostek naukowych z przemysłem.

oferta pracy accenture

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 236,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses. The company generated net revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2011.

Accenture?s Consulting workforce is involved in business consulting, process design work and the application of technologies to business. Management Consulting professionals take responsibility for organizational change and business transformation by helping clients design and execute new strategies, processes and business solutions. A career in Consulting is varied and stimulating because each project presents a new challenge and will give you exposure to new clients, business issues, technologies and people. We need people who are able to challenge conventional thought, offer unique perspectives and conceive more innovative solutions for our clients.

Management Consulting professionals focus on strategy and take responsibility for organizational change and business transformation. Working as a Consultant with Accenture, you will build core business and industry expertise helping to deliver world-class business solutions that enable clients to become high performance businesses.

Oferta pracy - R&D Consultant / Healthcare Industry

Firma: Accenture
Kraj: Polska
Miasto: Warszawa
Sektor: Consulting
Obszar: Healthcare
Typ: etat

Job Description:

This role is for Consultant in the Life Sciences industry team within the Products Operating Group in Accenture Management Consulting. ?Products? is one of Accenture's five Operating Groups. The Products operating group is fueled by the power of its five industry groups? Life Sciences, Automotive & Industrial Equipment, Transportation & Travel Services, Consumer Goods & Services and Retail. Given the diversity of industries, Products is uniquely positioned to help clients achieve high performance with differentiated industry, functional and technology transformation offerings.

The Life Sciences industry group works with the following industries:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology
  • Medical/Surgical Devices

and other companies across the life-sciences value chain, provides services such as large-scale business and technology transformation, targeted business performance improvement, and post-merger integration.

Our key areas of focus include Research and Development, Operations and Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Marketing and Sales, and select back-office functions. Additionally, we operate life sciences-specific business process and IT outsourcing services across all geographies in the global industry. We work for large, high-profile clients and develop strong lasting relationships with them. Our clients include 21 of the 26 health care, pharmaceutical, and health care wholesale companies in the FORTUNE Global 500.

Key responsibilities of the role:

The LS Consultant will be responsible for helping in driving our Life Sciences clients? strategy and business planning efforts. Responsibilities may include:

Project Delivery: Work on small to medium-size teams to deliver projects for global clients. Responsibilities may include strategy and process design in the following areas:

  • Drug Research Process Improvements
  • Clinical Trials Process Improvements
  • Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Events monitoring systems and processes
  • Regulatory Strategy and Process Transformations
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Patient Adherence Programs
  • Product or Portfolio marketing strategy
  • Sales strategy
  • Sales Force Efficiency / Automation
  • Campaign Management
  • Compliance and medico-marketing process improvements
  • Market entry strategy development
  • Product launch strategy
  • Procurement
  • Manufacturing & logistics
  • Supply Chain Management

Business Development: Support efforts of global sales team to identify and win potential opportunities within the practice

Industry Expertise: Provide industry expertise in various sub-segments of the Pharma/Biotech/CRO industry

Domain Development: Develop assets and methodologies, development of points-of-view, research or white papers, support development of marketing collateral, conduct public speaking and publish in industry periodicals


  • Master's degree
  • Excellent English communication skills (written & spoken) + very good level one of the EU languages German, Italian, Russian, French, Spanish. FluentGerman is preferred.
  • Minimum 3 years of work experience in the Life sciences space:
    • Clinical Trials Operations
    • R&D BD
    • Regulatory Affairs
    • Licensing & Partnering Strategy
    • Medico-legal Compliance
    • Pharmaco vigilance
  • Experience in system implementation either as a business user or conducting User Acceptance Testing in area of:
    • R&D / Clinical Trials
    • Pharmacovigilance
  • Team management and delivery experience
  • Experience in Consulting in an international context or worked internationally is preferred
  • Excellent, established track record for selling & delivering consulting engagements.
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to connect with leadership
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and excellent presentation skills

Working Conditions

  • Headquarter: Warsaw
  • Willing to work at client locations mostly across Europe, but also Africa, America, Emirates, other, for short or long term
  • Willing to travel min 60% of time and more
  • Excellent English communication skills (written & spoken) + very good level one of the EU languages: German, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, other. FluentGerman is preferred.

What we offer:

  • Permanent employment contract
  • Attractive benefits package
  • Challenging job in a professional and multinational environment
  • Opportunity to gain skills and experience, together with highly marketable specialists
  • Opportunity to work with Global TOP Clients on large projects
  • Dynamic working environment

All of our consulting professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development.  You'll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization.  We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at every level to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with teammates. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to continue building your career. Home page is www.accenture.com.

We kindly ask you to send your applications on following e-mail address: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

When applying please enclose the below statement:
"I hereby express my consent to process my personal data included in my job offer by Accenture Sp. z o.o. or any other entity of the Accenture group for recruitment purposes and once the recruitment process is closed, I agree that Accenture Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw, 00-121,ul. Sienna 39or any other entity of Accenture group places and processes my personal data in its database. I also express my consent to sending my personal data to third parties within the Accenture group pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 29th August 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, position 926 as amended). I submit the data voluntarily. I have been informed about the right of access to the content of my data and about the possibility of correcting them."

Please find attached the "Data Privacy Statement" on our websitewww.kariera.accenture.com. Print, sign and return the form by post to our office if you wish to be included in our recruiting process.

Candidates who are currently employed by a client of Accenture or an affiliated Accenture business may not be eligible for consideration.

oferta pracy accenture

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 236,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses. The company generated net revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2011.

Accenture?s Consulting workforce is involved in business consulting, process design work and the application of technologies to business. Management Consulting professionals take responsibility for organizational change and business transformation by helping clients design and execute new strategies, processes and business solutions. A career in Consulting is varied and stimulating because each project presents a new challenge and will give you exposure to new clients, business issues, technologies and people. We need people who are able to challenge conventional thought, offer unique perspectives and conceive more innovative solutions for our clients.

Management Consulting professionals focus on strategy and take responsibility for organizational change and business transformation. Working as a Consultant with Accenture, you will build core business and industry expertise helping to deliver world-class business solutions that enable clients to become high performance businesses.

Oferta pracy - Digital CRMConsultant / Healthcare Industry

Firma: Accenture
Kraj: Polska
Miasto: Warszawa
Sektor: Consulting
Obszar: Healthcare
Typ: etat

Job Description:

This role is for Consultant in the Life Sciences industry team within the Products Operating Group in Accenture Management Consulting. ?Products? is one of Accenture's five Operating Groups. The Products operating group is fueled by the power of its five industry groups? Life Sciences, Automotive & Industrial Equipment, Transportation & Travel Services, Consumer Goods & Services and Retail. Given the diversity of industries, Products is uniquely positioned to help clients achieve high performance with differentiated industry, functional and technology transformation offerings.

The Life Sciences industry group works with the following industries:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Biotechnology
  • Medical/Surgical Devices

and other companies across the life-sciences value chain, provides services such as large-scale business and technology transformation, targeted business performance improvement, and post-merger integration.

Our key areas of focus include Research and Development, Operations and Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Marketing and Sales, and select back-office functions. Additionally, we operate life sciences-specific business process and IT outsourcing services across all geographies in the global industry. We work for large, high-profile clients and develop strong lasting relationships with them. Our clients include 21 of the 26 health care, pharmaceutical, and health care wholesale companies in the FORTUNE Global 500.

Key responsibilities of the role:

The LS Consultant will be responsible for helping in driving our Life Sciences clients? strategy and business planning efforts. Responsibilities may include:

Project Delivery: Work on small to medium-size teams to deliver projects for global clients. Responsibilities may include strategy and process design in the following areas:

  • Digital and Mobility solutions for pharma marketing and sales functions
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Physician CRM
  • Patient Adherence Programs
  • Campaign Management
  • Product launch strategy
  • Product or Portfolio marketing strategy
  • Sales strategy
  • Sales Force Efficiency / Automation
  • Compliance and medico-marketing process improvements
  • Market entry strategy development
  • Drug Research Process Improvements
  • Clinical Trials Process Improvements
  • Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Events monitoring systems and processes
  • Regulatory Strategy and Process Transformations
  • Procurement
  • Manufacturing & logistics
  • Supply Chain Management

Business Development: Support efforts of global sales team to identify and win potential opportunities within the practice

Industry Expertise:
Provide industry expertise in various sub-segments of the Pharma/Biotech/CRO industry

Domain Development: Develop assets and methodologies, development of points-of-view, research or white papers, support development of marketing collateral, conduct public speaking and publish in industry periodicals


  • Master's degree
  • Excellent English communication skills (written & spoken) + very good level one of the EU languages German, Italian, Russian, French, Spanish. German is preferred.
  • Minimum 3 years of work experience in the Life sciences space:
    • CRM
    • Brand Management
    • Patient Retention Programs
    • Sales Force Efficiency
    • Digital and Mobility Solutions
    • Web Based Solutions for Pharma marketing
    • Portal design / web strategy / online marketing
  • Experience in system implementation either as a business user or conducting User Acceptance Testing in area of:
    • Veeva (preferred)
    • Seibel CRM systems
    • Any SFE/CRM systems
    • Web Analytics
  • Team management and delivery experience
  • Experience in Consulting in an international context or worked internationally is preferred
  • Excellent, established track record for selling & delivering consulting engagements.
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to connect with leadership
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and excellent presentation skills

Working Conditions

  • Headquarter: Warsaw
  • Willing to work at client locations mostly across Europe, but also Africa, America, Emirates, other, for short or long term
  • Willing to travel min 60% of time and more
  • Excellent English communication skills (written & spoken) + very good level one of the EU languages: German, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish, other. German is preferred.

What we offer:

  • Permanent employment contract
  • Attractive benefits package
  • Challenging job in a professional and multinational environment
  • Opportunity to gain skills and experience, together with highly marketable specialists
  • Opportunity to work with Global TOP Clients on large projects
  • Dynamic working environment

All of our consulting professionals receive comprehensive training covering business acumen, technical and professional skills development.  You'll also have opportunities to hone your functional skills and expertise in an area of specialization.  We offer a variety of formal and informal training programs at every level to help you acquire and build specialized skills faster. Learning takes place both on the job and through formal training conducted online, in the classroom, or in collaboration with teammates. The sheer variety of work we do, and the experience it offers, provide an unbeatable platform from which to continue building your career. Home page is www.accenture.com.

We kindly ask you to send your applications on following e-mail address: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

When applying please enclose the below statement:
"I hereby express my consent to process my personal data included in my job offer by Accenture Sp. z o.o. or any other entity of the Accenture group for recruitment purposes and once the recruitment process is closed, I agree that Accenture Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw, 00-121,ul. Sienna 39or any other entity of Accenture group places and processes my personal data in its database. I also express my consent to sending my personal data to third parties within the Accenture group pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act of 29th August 1997 (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, position 926 as amended). I submit the data voluntarily. I have been informed about the right of access to the content of my data and about the possibility of correcting them."

Please find attached the "Data Privacy Statement" on our websitewww.kariera.accenture.com. Print, sign and return the form by post to our office if you wish to be included in our recruiting process.

Candidates who are currently employed by a client of Accenture or an affiliated Accenture business may not be eligible for consideration.


Oferta pracy - Przedstawiciel Handlowy / Specjalista ds. laserów medycznych na terenie Polski

Firma: Kosmed
Kraj: Polska
Miasto: Kielce
Sektor: serwis sprzętu medycznego
Obszar: lasery medyczne
Typ: etat

Poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko: przedstawiciel Handlowy/specjalista ds. laserów medycznych na terenie Polski


  • doświadczenie w sprzedaży sprzętu medycznego ? lasery medyczne
  • znajomość języka angielskiego
  • znajomość technik sprzedaży
  • znajomość obsługi komputera
  • prawo jazdy kat. B ? doświadczenie w prowadzeniu pojazdów
  • gotowość do częstych podróży służbowych
  • mile widziane znajomość procedur przetargowych w służbie zdrowia
  • znajomość rynku urologicznego, chirurgicznego, flebologicznego, ginekologicznego będzie dodatkowym atutem

Dokumenty aplikacyjne CV i list motywacyjny wraz ze zdjęciem należy przesyłać na adres Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. : z dopiskiem "PH Lasery "

Oferta pracy - Serwisant ds. laserów medycznych na terenie Polski

Firma: Kosmed
Kraj: Polska
Miasto: Kielce
Sektor: serwis sprzętu medycznego
Obszar: lasery medyczne
Typ: etat

Poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko: Serwisant ds. laserów medycznych na terenie Polski.

Główne obowiązki:

  • serwis aparatury sprzedanej przez firmę
  • instalacja i uruchomienia sprzętu
  • szkolenia użytkowników

Od kandydatów oczekujemy:

  • wykształcenie techniczne (elektronika, inżynieria biomedyczna lub pokrewne)
  • Wiedza teoretyczna i praktyczna w zakresie budowy laserów medycznych
  • znajomość języka angielskiego
  • umiejętność komunikacji z klientem i przekazywania informacji
  • umiejętność planowania czasu pracy, dyscyplina, punktualność, inicjatywa własna
  • prawo jazdy kat. B (praktyczne doświadczenie w kierowaniu pojazdami)

Dokumenty aplikacyjne CV i list motywacyjny wraz ze zdjęciem należy przesyłać na adres Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. : z dopiskiem "Serwis Lasery "

Oferta pracy - Serwisant ds. aparatury medycznej na terenie Polski

Kraj: Polska
Miasto: -
Sektor: dystrybutor sprzętu medycznego
Obszar: serwis sprzętu medycznego
Typ: etat


KOSMED jest autoryzowanym i wyłącznym dystrybutorem w Polsce sprzętu medycznego produkowanego przez firmę ESAOTE, ITALRAY, QUANTA SYSTEM oraz VESER LIPO. Sprzedajemy: Ultrasonografy stacjonarne i przenośne, Aparaty EKG, zestawy do prób wysiłkowych, Rezonanse magnetyczne ortopedyczne, Mammografy, Aparaty RTG: przewoźne,  z ramieniem C,  analogowe i cyfrowe, ze zdalnym sterowaniem analogowe i cyfrowe (telekomando), Lasery Medyczne QUANTA SYSTEM - multidyscyplinarne zastosowanie.

Główne obowiązki:

  • serwis aparatury sprzedanej przez firmę
  • instalacja i uruchomienia sprzętu
  • szkolenia użytkowników

Od kandydatów oczekujemy:

  • wykształcenie techniczne (elektronika, inżynieria biomedyczna lub pokrewne)
  • min. poprawna znajomość języka angielskiego
  • umiejętność komunikacji z klientem i przekazywania informacji
  • umiejętność planowania czasu pracy, dyscyplina, punktualność, inicjatywa własna
  • prawo jazdy kat. B (praktyczne doświadczenie w kierowaniu pojazdami)

Firma zapewnia:

  • możliwość rozwoju i awansu w firmie o ugruntowanej pozycji rynkowej
  • pracy w młodym i szybko rozwijającym się zespole
  • narzędzia niezbędne do realizacji powierzonych obowiązków

Dokumenty aplikacyjne CV i list motywacyjny wraz ze zdjęciem należy przesyłać na adres Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć. : z dopiskiem "Serwis "

Oferta pracy - Sales Manager, Draeger

Firma: Draeger
Kraj: Polska
Miasto: Warszawa
Sektor: producent i dystrybutor technologii medycznych
Obszar: systemy ratowania i podtrzymywania życia
Typ: etat


For our client, the global company, which provide advanced medical technology for save and rescue life, we are seeking for suitable candidates for a position of: Sales Manager.


  • Professional development in global leader of advanced technology in medicine,
  • Attractive working conditions,
  • High quality trainings (including 6-months introductory training in Germany),
  • Working in a friendly environment,


  • Degree of Electrical Engineering in medicine or related discipline (also last-year students),
  • An excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
  • Fluent English language,
  • Responsibility and activity during managing tasks,
  • Interest in advanced technology in medicine,

Additional advantages will be:

  • Very well outcomes reached during study,
  • Engagement in additional activities (eg sport/volunteering)
  • Using another foreign language,
  • Experience in co-working with medical sector,

Key responsibilities:

  • Maintain and develop contacts and good relationship with customers (hospitals, NZOZ),
  • Gain new customers,
  • Execute sales strategy on entrusted region,
  • Learning and develop new ability in branch of advanced technology in medicine,

Kandydatów spełniających powyższe kryteria prosimy o wysyłanie dokumentów aplikacyjnych (CV, List Motywacyjny) do 14 marca 2011 r., na poniższy adres e-mail: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

Do dokumentów prosimy o dołączenie klauzuli wyrażającej zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych na potrzeby procesu rekrutacji.

Informujemy, że skontaktujemy się z wybranymi kandydatami.

Praktyka - image filtering, signal processing, OpenGL at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories

Firma: MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Kraj: USA
Miasto: Cambridge
Sektor: producent i dystrybutor technologii medycznych
Obszar: obrazowanie medyczne, oprogramowanie, wizja komputerowa
Typ: praktyka


MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories is seeking several highly motivated interns in following fields:

  • Dictionary learning / compressive sensing: Ideal candidate should preferably have significant background in image filtering & reconstruction.
  • OpenGL: We need an OpenGL/GPU programming expert. Familiarity with JPEG is a big plus.

Apply immediately. Contact to:

Dr. Fatih Porikli
Senior Principal Technical Staff
Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

Why MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ?

  • MERL offers very competitive salary. Rates are based on level of education and experience and on past employment history. Interns are also paid for company holidays during their employment.
  • MERL prides itself in being an open research lab, which strongly encourages publication of outstanding research results in major conferences and journals. We hope that all interns have an opportunity to publish work done at MERL.
  • MERL interns are assigned to challenging tasks related to cutting-edge technologies. At MERL, you will have the opportunity to work closely with top researchers in the respective fields, gain valuable industry experience and be exposed to the operation of a corporate research lab.
  • MERL provides relocation assistance. Specifically, the company pays the cost of travel to Boston including your flight or mileage reimbursement, as well as one night hotel for students based in the US and three nights hotel for those traveling from abroad.
  • A great networking opportunity?not only with MERL's staff, but also with peers from other universities, within the greater Boston area, and other locations from around the world.

Oferta pracy - Sales and Application Specialist Home Healthcare Solutions (Poland and Baltics)

Firma: Philips Respironics
Kraj: Polska
Miasto: Katowice/ Kraków
Sektor: sprzedaż sprzętu medycznego
Obszar: sprzęt medyczny, Electrical Impedance Computed Tomography (iCT), MRI, CT
Typ: etat


Some product highlights: 256-slice Brilliance iCT scanner, Integrated cath lab, Avalon FM 20 & FM 30 fetal monitors, Ambient Experience MR and CT systems, Philips Lifeline's personal emergency alert service. New Philips Respironics System One sleep therapy CPAP and BiPAP system with EasyLife nasal mask for the comfortable treatment of sleep apnea.

Implement and track the Sales & Marketing strategies of the Homecare organization in their specific sales area of Poland and the Baltic states in order to achieve national Sales & Marketing goals, as well as educating the markets about technologies and products, support our channels and existing end customers.


  • Implement and track the sales & marketing strategies with the given concepts to achieve and maximize awareness of Philips Respironics technologies and products
  • Plan and organize workshops in the scope of marketing and promotion of our technologies and products according company rules and track the results
  • Develop and maintain relationship with opinion leaders, sleep labs, insurance companies, patient groups and relevant decision makers in the hospitals
  • Create new potential customers by continuous customer visits and marketing activities
  • Develop and maintain excellent relationship with distributor sales force. Share information about the actual situation with the Regional Sales Manager and the management in order to solve the relevant issues with the distributor
  • Motivate and train the distributor sales team according to the company rules and standards
  • Plan and organize regular local Dealer Meetings
  • Collect market and competition data in order to develop and supply complete market intelligence (incl. customer database) in order to identify market dynamics and keep management informed
  • Understand and communicate customer needs. Ensure customer satisfaction is achieved. Interface with the rest of the territory organization and
  • Marketing team in order to communicate and recommend specific market needs
  • Ensure that distributors are providing the required support for their end customers
  • Provide all required reports in a timely manner (e.g. weekly reports, tracking sheets, travel expenses)
  • Participate at local congresses, trade shows and exhibitions
  • Identify lack of product knowledge and key competencies and communicate to the management
  • Take full responsibility of the demo equipment and use it in an effective and economic way
  • Organize weekly tours in an effective and economic way


  • Technical, business or medical university degree
  • 3 years of sales or clinical education experience
  • Person needs to develop a thorough knowledge of the Homecare market including customer, competitors, Homecare and Hospital environment
  • English language at very good level is required
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Energetic, dynamic and self motivated
  • Enthusiastic and effective team player
  • Very good time & self management skills
  • Good Knowledge in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Good presentation & training skills

Additional info:

  • Extensive local and regional traveling is required

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Philips please join the simplicity movement and apply online: www.philips.com/careers using job ID number: 72531 or send your CV by e-mail to: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

On our website www.philips.com/careers you will find extensive information on this job and other Philips career opportunities. We kindly inform you that we will contact only chosen candidates.

Please provide a clause: ?Hereby I agree to process my personal data included in my application for requirements of the recruitment process (in accordance to Personal data Protection Act dated 29August 1997; Official Journal no 133, item 883)?.

For other recruitment offers please visit www.careers.philips.com

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